Resin Coaster Geode DIY

Resin Coaster Geode DIY

Geodes are a work of art of nature – these special minerals are mostly found in volcanic lava rocks. But you can imitate the unique and impressive appearance of geodes yourself with epoxy resin. In this article we will show you step by step how you can create individual coasters, for example for glasses, yourself with our EPODEX products. With these resin coasters you can conjure up a special accessory or a gift for your loved ones in no time at all. What are you waiting for?

You need this:


  • Glitter or other small deco elements
  • Acrylic colour pencils for the edges
resine sous verre

Resin Coaster – how you do it:

  1. Mix our EPODEX PRO system according to the instructions in a ratio of 2:1, stirring well until no more streaks are visible.
  2. Pour the finished resin into a separate container. Stir the resin again thoroughly after repotting.
  3. Now use a resin suitable coaster geode mould made of silicone. Alternatively you can „draw“ a free form of sanitary silicone on a glass base. Pay attention to an appropriate pouring height here.
    For a transparent result, pour some resin to just below the edge of the mould. Distribute the remaining epoxy resin to different mixing containers. Mix the resin portions with paint and with metallic pigments according to your wishes (for pigments: 1.5 – 2g per kg resin and hardener).
  4. Now wait about 10 – 15 minutes until the mass has reached a higher viscosity, i.e. is more viscous. You can test this with a rod sample. A higher viscosity means that the colours do not run into each other as much.
  5. Into the transparent geode forms you can drop in our transparent colours and work them in with a toothpick. For a „cloud effect“ you stir less than for a completely transparent result. Here your wishes and your creativity are in demand!
    Tip: Depending on the shape of the silicone, scratches may appear on the floor. If you scratch with a toothpick, avoid touching the floor.
  6. After the base layer is gelled, you continue with the processing of the coloured resin. To do this, pour the contents of the cups, starting from the middle and continuing to pour into the middle, so that the colour poured in displaces the previous layer to the outside. You can pour from both sides simultaneously until it meets in the middle – again, there are no limits to your imagination.
  7. Finally, you can add glitter particles, scattered decoration or other beautiful ornaments. It is essential to apply these at the end, because small decorative elements sink when the viscosity is still too low.

  8. After a waiting period of 24 hours the geodes can be shaped. If you like, you can now use acrylic paint sticks to colour the edges of the geodes for finalizing.

resin coaster diy
resin coaster
resin coaster geode

Resin Untersetzer Geode DIY

Resin Untersetzer in Geodenform selber machen

Geoden sind ein Kunstwerk der Natur – man findet diese besonderen Mineralien meist in vulkanischem Lavagestein. Das einzigartige und beeindruckende Aussehen der Goeden kannst du aber selbst mit Epoxidharz nachahmen. In diesem Beitrag zeigen wir dir Schritt für Schritt wie du individuelle Untersetzer, zum Beispiel für Gläser, selbst mit unseren EPODEX Produkten herstellen kannst. Mit diesen Resin Untersetzern zauberst du im Handumdrehen ein besonderes Wohnaccessoire oder ein Geschenk für deine Lieben. Worauf wartest du noch?

Du brauchst dazu:


  • Glitzer oder andere Streudeko
  • Acrylfarbstifte für die Ränder
resine sous verre

Resin Untersetzer in Geode Form – Anleitung:

  1. Mische unser EPODEX PRO-System nach Anleitung im Verhältnis 2:1. Rühre so lange gut durch, bis keine Schlieren mehr zu sehen sind.
  2. Fülle das fertige Harz in ein separates Gefäß. Rühre das Harz nach dem Umtopfen nochmal gründlich um.
  3. Verwende eine jetzt eine für Resin geeignete Untersetzer Geodenform aus Silikon. Alternativ kannst du eine freie Form aus Sanitärsilikon auf eine Glasunterlage „zeichnen“. Beachte hier eine angemessene Gießhöhe.
    Für ein transparentes Ergebnis gieße etwas Harz bis kurz unter den Rand der Form ein. Verteile das restliche Epoxidharz auf verschiedene Mischbehälter. Vermenge die Harzportionen mit Farbe und mit Metallicpigmenten ganz nach deinen Wünschen versehen (bei Pigmenten gilt: 1,5 – 2g pro kg Harz und Härter).
  4. Warte jetzt etwa 10 – 15 Minuten bis die Masse eine höhere Viskosität erreicht hat, also zähflüssiger ist. Dies kannst du mit einer Stäbchenprobe testen. Eine erhöht Viskosität sorgt dafür, dass die Farben nicht mehr so stark ineinander laufen.
  5. In die transparente Geodenformen kannst du punktuell Drop-In Farben reintropfen und mit einem Zahnstocher eingearbeiten. Für einen „Wolkeneffekt“ rührst du weniger, als für ein komplett transparentes Ergebnis. Hier sind deine Wünsche und deine Kreativität gefragt!
    Wichtig: Je nach Silikonform können sich Kratzer am Boden bilden, wenn man mit dem Zahnstocher darauf kratzt, vermeide daher den Boden zu berühren.
  6. Nachdem die Basisschicht angeliert ist, fährst du mit der Verarbeitung des eingefärbten Harzes fort. Gieße dazu den Inhalt der Becher beginnend aus der Mitte immer wieder in die Mitte, sodass die nachgegossene Farbe die vorherige Schicht nach Außen verdrängt. Man kann rechts und links von beiden Seiten gleichzeitig gießen bis es sich in der Mitte trifft – auch hier sind der Phantasie keine Grenzen gesetzt. Außerdem lässt sich auch in metallischen Pigmenten mit dem weißen Drop-In nachträglich ein Wolkeneffekt einbringen.

  7. Zuletzt kannst du Glitzerpartikeln, Streudeko oder andere schöne Verzierungen einbringen. Diese musst du zwingend zum Schluss auflegen, da kleine Dekoelemente  absinken, wenn die Viskosität noch zu niedrig ist.

  8. Nach 24 Stunden Wartezeit sind die Geoden ausformbar. Nach dem Ausformen ist dein Resin Untersetzer fertig und kann verwendet werden. Wenn du möchtest, kannst du nun zur Finalisierung die Ränder der Geoden mit Acryllackstiften farblich absetzen.

resin coaster diy
resin coaster
resin coaster geode

Seamless flooring made of epoxy resin

Seamless epoxy resin floor

A jointless floor has many advantages and is easy to produce with epoxy resin. Until now, you may have known this type of floor coating from the industry, but now more and more people are opting for jointless floors in their homes. No wonder – a jointless floor creates timeless elegance and is easy to maintain. In this article we will explain when this floor covering is worthwhile for you, what you need for it and how you can implement it step-by-step yourself.

Seamless flooring: advantages and properties

A floor that has no joints creates an even surface that makes the room look larger. This harmonious look creates a sense of calm and makes it look spacious. Your furniture, pictures and decoration can look even better. You can lay the jointless floor in one colour as well as in several colours or patterns. The resin can be dyed in any colour and can also be spiced up with metallic pigments, flakes or small decorative elements. If at some point you don’t like the colour anymore, you can simply apply a new layer of epoxy resin in a different colour on top of it.

A jointless synthetic resin floor is especially practical for families with children or pets. When you work with our epoxy resin, you can be sure that the new floor covering is free of adhesives, solvents and VOCs. This means that the cured floor is emission-free and not harmful to health. An epoxy resin floor can be cleaned thoroughly and hygienically and is also ultra robust against mechanical stress or leaking liquids.

Lay seamless epoxy resin floor

To make a jointless floor made of epoxy resin you need:

Step 1: Preparation of the substrate

Start by cleaning the floor. The subfloor must be dry and dust-free before installation. You should fill any unevenness, holes and cracks before you start priming. When you have finished the preparations, tape all edges of the floor with masking tape. It is best to wear nail soles during the application of the epoxy resin and all touch-up work to avoid leaving marks. We also recommend that you wear a breathing mask and old clothes or work clothes like a disposable overall.

Step 2: The primer

It is best to wear nail soles during processing and all touch ups to leave no marks, a breathing mask and old clothes or work clothes like a disposable overall.
To close all floor pores and reduce material loss, we recommend that you prime the floor with a thin layer of epoxy resin of 0.2-0.3cm. Mix together the required amount for the first thin layer and stir the two components slowly and thoroughly for about 3 minutes. Then spread the resin on the floor with the paint roller (4mm Floor). The best result is achieved by painting the floor crosswise, as this closes all the pores in the floor. Work quickly, taking into account the pot life. Allow the primer to harden completely before applying the main coating.

Step 3: The coating

When the curing time is over, you can mix the epoxy resin for the main coating. If you have chosen a RAL colour, the resin will come to you already coloured. The metallic colours are supplied as pigment powder in sachets. The contents of the bag are then mixed into the resin-hardener mixture. You can determine the amount of resin and thus influence the colour intensity of the result. Mix all the components together again thoroughly for 3 minutes. Now you can pour the resin onto the primed floor. Then spread it with a paint roller or squeegee. For pre-coating we recommend a layer thickness of 1.5 mm. At room temperatures below 15°C you should now go over the freshly poured resin again with a spiked deaerator. This will prevent the resin from poorly deaerating and prevent bubbles from forming. Let the layer harden.

If you want to cover your floor with quartz sand, synthetic fibres or flakes, continue with this layer. Mix the silica sand or fibres into the resin according to the exact quantity and then spread it over the floor with a squeegee. If you are using flakes, spread them on the damp pre-coating, wait for the curing time to elapse and then apply another layer of epoxy resin.

Step 4: Remove masking material

Now remove all adhesive tapes after processing. Leave the freshly poured floor with nail soles to leave no marks. Then let the floor coating harden completely before the floor is loaded again.

Giessharz badezimmer

UV Resin

All you Need to Know about UV Resin

UV resin cures by the energy of ultraviolet irradiation devices. Just like epoxy resin, polyurethane resin or acrylic resin is an industrially produced synthetic resin. As with all synthetic resins, the field of application determines whether the resin is suitable for your project. UV resin allows fast a processing time and uncomplicated application, but can only be used for coating because of its  short durability.

UV Resin vs Epoxy Resin

The product properties and uses of UV resin and epoxy resin differ widely. EPODEX offers 2-part epoxy resin, which is mixed of a resin and a hardener component. In contrast, UV resin is a 1-part resin that is instantly ready to use. Epoxy resin cures without any aids, UV resin only cures under UV irradiation. Its maximum layer thickness is 1mm. Epoxy resin allows layer thickness of up to 5cm per casting, on the other hand. UV resin always requires a UV lamp to cure and is therefore only suitable for smaller areas. Epoxy resin can also be applied on large surfaces, such as industrial floors.

You should always wear a dust mask when working with both resins. While epoxy resin is emission-free once it is cured, UV resin continues to evaporate. The durability of UV resin is limited to half a year. Furthermore, it is neither heat- nor scratch-resistant. Epoxy resin is the best choice for a durable, long-lasting result that is also aesthetically pleasing for a long period of time. If durability does not play a role and you need fast curing speeds, you can use UV resin.

Application of UV Resin

The application of UV resin is relatively simple. You just brush it to the area to be coated or glued in a thin layer and you can also mix in colours or create patterns. When the coating is done, you can start the curation process with an UV lamp or UV flashlight with at least 4 watts. Depending on the layer thickness and the lamp’s power, the resin cures in maximally 3 minutes. You can then apply further layers in the same way. During application you should always wear a mask. However, even after UV resin has cured it still produces vapours you should not inhale.

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Sergej Frizler
Sergej Frizler
Any questions? I am glad to help!
Proven Expert

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Pros and Cons of UV Resin

Depending on the field of use, UV resin can be the best choice because of its high curing speed of 1-3 minutes (depending on the thickness of the layer). It has no pot life and can be applied for a much longer period of time than acrylic resin. Unlike a surface with epoxy resin coating, it is not permanent. The durability of a surface coated with UV resin varies between a few weeks and half a year. Since it only allows casting depths of up to 1mm, UV Resin is no casting resin. A thicker casting would form bubbles and voids. Even after curing, UV resin is still very sensitive to heat and can flake off or blister in the sun. Due to its properties, it is well suited for jewellery or ornamental elements, however. You can also use it as glue.

Buy UV Resin

You can buy UV resin online or in the stationary trade nearby, where you will also find other equipment like brushs, gloves or a dust mask. UV resin itself is often available at a low price, but keep in mind that you will also need an UV lamp, which can be rather expensive and only pays off, if you work with UV resin regularly.

Jewellery Made of UV Resin

UV resin is often used to create small pieces of jewellery, where the product properties come in handy. UV resin allows you enough time to create filigree patterns before the resin has cured. The small dimensions of jewellery also facilitate curing under a UV lamp. For a long-lasting durability of your jewellery, we recommend to seal the UV resin once again with an epoxy or polyurethane resin layer.

uv harz schmuck

Polishing epoxy resin

Polishing epoxy resin - a simple guide

Polishing epoxy resin and bringing it to a high gloss is not difficult at all. With a simple polish you finalize your resin work piece and make it shine.
In this article today we will explain how to create a perfectly smooth and shiny epoxy resin surface in just a few steps and what you need to do.

Which epoxy resin surfaces can be polished?

In principle, all hardened epoxy resin surfaces can be polished. It is especially easy with straight surfaces, such as table tops. With small, uneven castings, polishing can take a little longer. This is the case, for example, with self-made epoxy resin jewellery in a special form. But don’t worry, with our tips this also works without problems. Depending on the size of the surface to be polished, you can either work completely manually or use a polishing machine.

epoxidharz polieren paste

Polishing with the polishing machine – when is it worthwhile to buy it

Besides polishing by hand, there is also the possibility of polishing surfaces with a machine. Suitable for this purpose are sanding machines like the orbital sander, a special polishing machine or a drill. For all machines there are special attachments with which you can also polish. How useful the purchase is is very individual. If you want to polish large surfaces regularly, the investment is worthwhile. You can also rent a polishing machine in many DIY stores or equipment rental shops. This makes sense if you only need the machine once or very rarely. In general, it is much easier and more pleasant to polish large surfaces with the machine. This saves a lot of time and energy. For small surfaces you can also work very well with wet sandpaper and polishing paste. This often works better and more precise. If you want to work with a machine, a drill with a special attachment is the best choice.
Under no circumstances should you use angle grinders for polishing epoxy resin. These usually have no speed control. Therefore, there is a risk that the surface of the work piece becomes much too hot due to the high speed.

Polishing epoxy resin: how to do it

Step 1: Sand the surface

For example, you have coated your table with epoxy resin and the last layer is completely cured? Great – because now we are moving on to the next step. The sanding of epoxy resin starts with a wet sanding. All you need is our sandpaper, a sanding block and water.

Before you start sanding, you make the paper a little wet and moisten it again and again during the sanding process. Sanding is done carefully in circular movements. You start with a coarse grit 120, then you use finer and finer sandpaper, up to a fine grit 3000. Wet sanding can be done either by hand or with an orbital sander. Work on the edges very carefully and with less pressure, otherwise too much epoxy resin will quickly be removed. The sanding is finished when your tabletop is smooth and even. Now wipe the remaining water off the table. Now the actual epoxy resin polishing can begin.

Step 2: Epoxy resin polishing

The polishing of your epoxy resin surface can also be done again either by hand or by machine. As described above, the size of the surface determines which method is more suitable.

Option 1: Polishing by hand
If you want to polish your surface by hand, you will again need the sandpaper, sanding block, polishing paste, water and a cotton or linen cloth. Then put some polishing paste on the cloth and moisten it with some water. Then place the cloth over the sanding block. Rub the cloth over the surface in slow, circular movements with little pressure. Your polish is finished when the desired degree of gloss is achieved.

Option 2: Polishing with a drill
If you would like to polish with a machine, for small workpieces I recommend a drill on which you screw a polishing attachment. There are attachments with polishing sponges or polishing discs and special polishing ball heads. The best polishing compounds are those that are also intended for wood.

Start by screwing a flannel polishing attachment onto the drill. Then apply some polishing paste to the attachment. Now you can carefully polish the surface in even movements. Be careful at the edges and apply less pressure here too. After the first polish you can do a second pass with an even finer flannel attachment. When you have achieved the desired degree of shine, you are finished.

Option 3: Polishing with a polishing machine
Large areas can be polished to a high gloss most quickly with a polishing machine. A random orbit sander with polishing attachment is the first choice for epoxy resin surfaces. Due to its eccentric movement, you will achieve a perfect polishing result without removing too much resin. To do this, apply some polishing paste to the polishing pad on your sander. Turn the machine on and move it in circular movements with little pressure over the surface until the desired gloss level is achieved.

Schleifpapier auf Holz
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Rivertable DIY

Pour a Rivertable - how to make a rivertable Step-by-Step

The epoxy resin table is also known as rivertable. Building it yourself is not as hard as you might think. In today’s article we explain in detail how you can make your dream of your own unique Rivertable come true. Our step-by-step guide will take you through all the steps, from the materials needed to the final sealant of your epoxy table. All you need is a your craftsmanship and accessories.

You need:

epoxidharz fuer rivertable
PRO+ System (Resin+Hardener)
from 17,99

  • Casting resin
  • Layer thickness: 0,1-5cm
  • Crystal clear, UV resistant, VOC- and BPA-free
  • Use: River table, large moulded and decorative object making and much more

Step 1: Preparation

Have all materials and tools ready and make sure that the epoxy resin is at room temperature and also that the environment in which you are working is clean and the temperature is around 20°C.

Step 2: Build the mould

You start by making a mould in the desired dimensions of the epoxy resin table. For this you need four smooth wooden strips and a wooden plate as moulded parts. Then you stick the tape on all parts. Make sure that the tape does not overlap. Glue silicone on the edges of the mouldings and screw the parts together. Let the silicone cure. Then spray the mould evenly with our release agent spray and spread it with a cloth. Then place the wooden planks of the same height in the mould.

Step 3: Priming

Before you start pouring, you should brush the areas of your wooden planks that come into contact with the resin with a thin layer of epoxy resin.
This prevents loss of material and the formation of bubbles. You can use both the EPODEX Pro system and the Pro+ system for the primer layer. The Pro system has the advantage that it hardens faster. You can calculate which quantities you need with our quantity calculator. You can find it on every product page. For the primer layer we recommend a layer thickness of 0.2cm. Weigh the resin and hardener in the correct ratio and mix the components with a stirrer. Then apply the primer layer laterally to the inner sides of the wooden planks with a brush. Pour the rest of the primer onto the substrate between the wooden planks. Here too, the layer thickness should be 0.2-0.3cm. This prevents air chambers and bubbles. Allow the primer layer to harden.

Step 4: Pouring

Once the primer has hardened, you can mix the epoxy resin for the main pouring. For this you need our Pro+ epoxy resin. Now you can mix in the paints or pigments in addition to the resin and hardener. You can control the intensity by adding more or less colour pigment. Mix the resin, hardener and pigments exactly as specified and pour the mixture in a maximum layer height of 5cm over a stirring rod between the wooden planks. Allow the resin to cure completely in the mould.

Step 5: Sealing and Polishing

Remove the mould by unscrewing all the screws and cutting through the silicone with a cutter. Then knock out all mould parts with a hammer. Now you can sand, polish and seal the table top. You will need either a polishing machine, such as a random orbital sander with the appropriate attachments, or a sanding block and wet sandpaper and some water. You will also need a polishing paste. Put on the fine dust mask and start sanding from the coarsest to the finest grain. If you work with wet sandpaper, remember to water it from time to time. When you are finished with the 3000 grit, wipe the table once. Now you can continue with the polishing. Apply the polishing paste to the machine attachment or a wipe. Polish the surface with little pressure in circular movements. When the desired gloss level is reached, you are finished. Now screw on the table legs. As a final sealant you can now apply oil, varnish or wax as a sealant. If you want an even more durable surface, we recommend applying a layer of polyurethane resin. Let the sealant cure before using the epoxy table for the first time.

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epoxidharz rivertable

Epoxy resin ideas

What can you do with epoxy resin?

With epoxy resin many ideas can be put into practice – the possible applications of the synthetic resin are very diverse. Among other things, it is used for floors or in boat building as a durable, reliable coating or sealant. But epoxy resin can do much more than just fulfil a practical purpose. It is also visually convincing and is becoming increasingly popular in the DIY sector. It is always a good idea to use epoxy resin to create or process tables, jewellery or lamps, for example. Thanks to the simple processing, you can quickly realise your epoxy resin ideas. In this article we will give you an overview of the inspiration for your epoxy resin projects.


Ideas for your epoxy resin project

Are you looking for creative epoxy resin ideas? Then EPODEX is the right place for you! As specialists for high-quality epoxy resin, we know exactly what is possible with this versatile material. We have put together some ideas for you on this page:

Floor coating

With epoxy resin you can create floor coatings that are as functional as they are attractive. Whether industrial floor, commercial building, garage or domestic living room – our synthetic resin can be used on all load-bearing floors. The extremely stable, resistant coating ensures a seamless, even surface. With one of our over 1000 colours, which can be mixed with each other as desired, you can also set visual accents. Each floor thus receives its individual touch. By using noble metallic colours or striking neon colours you can create unique design 3D floors.

Making a table

With epoxy resin from EPODEX every table becomes a small work of art! Table tops present themselves in a wide variety of colours and with a flawless, easy-care surface. Especially with a Rivertable you can create wow-effects.

Upgrading furniture

Our epoxy resin harmonizes perfectly with wood and other surfaces. Whether tables, chairs, shelves or cupboards – old furniture can shine in new splendour. The sealant also provides effective protection for sensitive furniture.

Create Jewellery

Epoxy resin jewellery is fully in trend! The DIY community has long since discovered this versatile material for itself and uses it to create unique pieces of jewellery. The crystal-clear, colourful synthetic resin can be used to make or refine rings, earrings, bracelets, pendants or brooches, among other things. Epoxy resin is often used in combination with wood to create jewellery. Thanks to the variety of colours, there are almost no limits to creativity with our casting resin. In addition to jewellery, great decorations can also be created that enhance any room.

Building a lamp

With an epoxy resin lamp every room shines – even when it is not switched on. The unique appearance alone is enough to draw all eyes to it. With epoxy resin you can build floor, wall or table lamps, also in combination with other materials such as wood or plastics.

Epoxy Clock

Epoxy clocks are timeless beauties! Thanks to the versatility of our products, you can give free rein to your creativity and make floor or wall clocks with an individual look and timeless quality.

Epoxy for boats

With epoxy resin you navigate in calm waters! It is extremely popular with shipbuilders and owners, because its properties make it ideal for building or repairing boats of various sizes. Epoxy resin is characterised by low material shrinkage, pronounced protection against osmosis and excellent adhesion and strength properties. This means that the boat hull is perfectly equipped to withstand the rough conditions on the high seas and you can always safely enter the next port with your boat.

The right system for all epoxy resin ideas

EPODEX offers the right product for all epoxy resin ideas! In our assortment you are guaranteed to find the right epoxy resin system for your project. Thanks to a large variety of colours you can give free rein to your creativity and turn your ideas into reality with epoxy resin.

Epoxidharz Ideen

Was kann man mit Epoxidharz alles machen?

Mit Epoxidharz lassen sich viele Ideen in die Tat umsetzen – die Einsatzmöglichkeiten des Kunstharzes sind sehr vielfältig. Unter anderem wird es für Böden oder im Bootsbau als langlebige, zuverlässige Beschichtung bzw. Versiegelung genutzt. Doch Epoxidharz kann viel mehr, als nur einen praktischen Zweck zu erfüllen. Es weiß auch optisch zu überzeugen und findet im DIY-Bereich immer mehr Anhänger. Es ist immer eine gute Idee, mit Epoxidharz beispielsweise Tische, Schmuck oder Lampen zu kreieren bzw. zu bearbeiten. Dank der einfachen Verarbeitung kannst du schnell deine Epoxidharz-Ideen realisieren. In diesem Beitrag geben wir die eine Übersicht zur Inspiration für deine Epoxidharz Projekte.

Ideen für Ihr Epoxidharz-Projekt

Sie sind auf der Suche nach kreativen Epoxidharz-Ideen? Dann sind Sie bei EPODEX genau richtig! Als Spezialist für hochwertiges Epoxidharz wissen wir genau, was mit diesem vielseitigen Werkstoff möglich ist. Einige Ideen haben wir auf dieser Seite für Sie zusammengetragen:

Boden beschichten

Mit Epoxidharz kannst du ebenso zweckmäßige wie ansehnliche Bodenbeschichtungen realisieren. Ob Industrieboden, gewerblich genutztes Gebäude, Garage oder heimisches Wohnzimmer – unser Kunstharz ist auf allen tragfähigen Fußböden einsetzbar. Die äußerst stabile, widerstandfähige Beschichtung sorgt für eine fugenlose, ebene Oberfläche. Mit einer unserer über 1000 Farben, die sich untereinander beliebig vermischen lassen, setzen Sie zudem optische Akzente. Jeder Boden erhält so seine individuelle Note. Durch den Einsatz von edlen Metallic-Farben oder auffälligen Neon-Farben schaffen Sie einzigartige Designböden.

Tisch herstellen

Mit Epoxidharz von EPODEX wird aus jedem Tisch ein kleines Kunstwerk! Tischplatten präsentieren sich in den unterschiedlichsten Farben und mit einer makellosen, pflegeleichten Oberfläche. Insbesondere mit einem Rivertable sorgen Sie für Wow-Effekte.

Möbel aufwerten

Unser Epoxidharz harmoniert hervorragend mit Holz und anderen Oberflächen. Ob Tische, Stühle, Regale oder Schränke – alte Möbel können Sie damit in neuem Glanz erstrahlen lassen. Die Versiegelung sorgt zudem für einen effektiven Schutz empfindlicher Möbelstücke.

Schmuck kreieren

Epoxidharz-Schmuck liegt voll im Trend! Die DIY-Community hat den vielseitigen Werkstoff längst für sich entdeckt und kreiert daraus einmalige Schmuckstücke. Mit dem glasklaren, bunten Kunstharz lassen sich unter anderem Ringe, Ohrringe, Armreifen, Anhänger oder Broschen herstellen oder verfeinern. Gerne wird Epoxidharz beispielsweise in Kombination mit Holz zu Schmuck verarbeitet. Dank der Vielzahl an Farben sind der Kreativität mit unserem Gießharz kaum Grenzen gesetzt. Neben Schmuck lassen sich so auch tolle Dekos schaffen, die jeden Raum aufwerten.

Lampe bauen

Mit einer Epoxidharz-Lampe erstrahlt jeder Raum – sogar, wenn sie nicht eingeschaltet ist. Die einzigartige Optik alleine reicht schon aus, um alle Blicke auf sich zu ziehen. Mit Epoxidharz können Sie Steh-, Wand- oder Tischlampen bauen, auch in Kombination mit anderen Materialien wie Holz oder Kunststoffen.

Uhr machen

Mit unserem Kunstharz ticken die Uhren anders! Denn eine Epoxidharz-Uhr haben die meisten noch nicht gesehen. Dank der Vielseitigkeit unserer Produkte können Sie auch hier Ihrer Kreativität freien Lauf lassen und Steh- oder Wanduhren mit einer individuellen Optik und zeitloser Qualität schaffen.

Boot bearbeiten

Mit Epoxidharz steuern Sie in sichere Gewässer! Bei Schiffbauer und -besitzern ist es äußerst beliebt, denn mit seinen Eigenschaften eignet es sich hervorragend für den Bau bzw. die Reparaturen von Booten verschiedener Größen. Epoxidharz zeichnet sich durch geringen Materialschwund, ausgeprägten Osmoseschutz und exzellente Haftungs- und Festigkeitseigenschaften aus. Damit ist der Bootskörper bestens gegen die rauen Bedingungen auf hoher See gewappnet und Sie können mit Ihrem Boot immer sicher den nächsten Hafen anlaufen.

Für alle Epoxidharz-Ideen das passende System

EPODEX bietet für alle Epoxidharz-Ideen das passend Produkt! In unserem Sortiment finden Sie garantiert das passende Epoxidharz-System für Ihr Projekt. Dank einer großen Farbvielfalt können Sie Ihrer Kreativität freien Lauf und Ihre Ideen mit Epoxidharz Realität werden lassen.

Liquid Resin

Liquid Resin by EPODEX

Nature produces its own liquid resin. Trees use it to repair damages to their bark. Besides natural liquid resin there are also synthetic liquid resins like epoxy resin, acrylic resin and polyurethane resin. These casting resins have different properties and can be used for different purposes. EPODEX specialises on high-quality epoxy resin, which is resistant and easy to process.

Cast Liquid Resin

During processing, liquid resin is fluid and it cures by chemical reaction of the resin A-component and the hardener B-component. Depending on the type of resin and pouring height, it cures more or less rapidly. Once cured, our liquid resin is crystal clear, break-proof, non-sticky and glossy. Our colour pigments and flakes can also be mixed into it. The different characteristics and the wide colour range of our products make it easy for you to find the right liquid resin for your project.

Our resin kit EPODEX ECO is the best choice for laminating, gluing and coating at low pouring heights. Among others, this fast curing and inexpensive liquid resin allows you to easily coat tables and floors. With our PRO system you can pour up to 2 cm thick and this, without too much heat. It is UV-resistant and does not yellow. The PRO system is ideally suited for epoxy resin jewellery or furniture.

If you plan on making a river table, EPODEX PRO+ will guarantee perfect result. It is optimised for casting heights of up to 5 cm but allows castings heights of up to 30 cm under certain circumstances. You can learn more about that in the adjacent video.

Fields of Application and Use

Liquid resin is a mixture of resin, hardener and, if necessary, additives. Due to its versatility, it is used in industry and craft as well as in private households. You can coat floors, wood and other surfaces with liquid resin to make them more resistant and easy to clean. Or you can use it to make stone carpets, penny floors or to cover your existing floor in your dream colour. You can design your own jewellery and pictures or refine entire pieces of furniture.

Many projects can be realised with epoxy resin and wood. Coating your wooden table add a protective layer against daily use. A protected table can withstand any strain. It is the perfect solution to keep the natural, rustic look  of the wood and to increase the durability. Liquid resin makes wooden surfaces more resistant to moisture, dirt and UV radiation, whereas untreated wooden surfaces need regular care and are susceptible to damage. By using our easy to process liquid resin, you can enjoy your wooden objects for many years to come!

Sergej Frizler
Sergej Frizler
Any questions? I am glad to help!
Proven Expert

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Buy Liquid Resin

On EPODEX e-shop you can purchase liquid resin that meets the highest standards. Our 2-part epoxy resin, which is mixed from a resin-component and a hardener-component, is available crystal clear with or without colour pigments. Our service team will be happy to answer your questions via telephone, e-mail or WhatsApp.

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Epoxy resin table with cogwheels

Epoxy resin table with cogwheels DIY

Epoxy resin decoration tables are easy to make yourself and guarantee an individual eye-catcher in your home. In this article we will show you how you can make a table with gears and lighting yourself with just a few tools and in a short time. This project is very suitable for beginners and can also be modified with other objects according to your wishes. In only 5 steps you can cast your cogwheel epoxy resin table with EPODEX:

You need:

epoxy table with cogwheels

Pouring a table with cogwheels – that’s how it works:

Have all materials ready. Note that you should work at room temperature and the humidity should not exceed 70%. All materials and tools should also be at room temperature. Start by cleaning the table and getting rid of dust. The surface must be grease-free, dust-free and dry before you proceed to the next step.

Step 1: Guide the light wire through the opening of the table and fix it around the inside of the table with the black modeling clay.

Step 2: Put on the disposable gloves and mix the amount of resin and hardener in a ratio of 2:1, which you need for a thin primer layer of about 0.2mm. Pour the epoxy resin onto the table. Leave the primer to gel for 20 hours.

Note: When component B meets component A, the mixture will become slightly milky/streaky. Stir until all streaks have disappeared to obtain a crystal clear result.

Step 3: Carefully apply the cogwheels with tweezers. Since the surface is not yet completely hardened, it can lead to marks and defects if the gears are moved on the surface. When all gears are in place, apply a second thin layer of epoxy resin consisting of the A and B components. Again, make sure that you only mix as much epoxy resin as you need for this layer and wear disposable gloves. Let the layer cure for one day. The second thin layer of primer on the gears is important, as it may cause the objects to outgas. This can cause subsequent bubbles which the defoamer cannot remove.

Step 4: After the 24 hours curing time you can now apply the main layer. Put on your gloves and mix the epoxy resin in the correct ratio. The best way to do this is to use a mixing can, as it offers a large volume.
When the main layer is poured, you have to wait another 24 hours until the table is completely cured and can be loaded.

Tip: If there are any bubbles, you can remove them with a hair dryer. To do this, hold the hair dryer on a small, lukewarm setting at a distance of 30 cm from the table. It is important that you do not hold the hair dryer in the same place for too long.

Step 5: When the epoxy resin is completely cured, the last step is to fix the battery compartment for the lighting under the table with a hot glue gun. Once the glue is dry, your new decoration table is ready.

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